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Become A Donor
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Our Activities

Discover the diverse programs offered by Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, each designed to foster spiritual growth, community engagement, and positive impact.

Weekly Programs:

  1. Consultation Mondays:
    • Location: Blessed Iwene Tansi Parish, Umudioka, Dunukofia.
    • Time: 8am – 12noon.
  2. Open Heaven – Adoration Wednesdays:
    • An intimate time of adoration and spiritual reflection.
    • Time: 8 am – 12 pm.
  3. All Night Adoration Vigil Fridays:
    • A night of continuous prayer and worship.
    • Time: 7 pm – Till Dawn.

Monthly Programs:

  1. First Tuesday Special Prayers:
    • Infant Baptism, Awaiting Mothers, Daughters of the Holy Spirit prayers.
    • Time: 8 am – 2 pm.
  2. First Thursday Deliverance (Exorcism):
    • An intense session focused on spiritual deliverance.
    • Time: 8 am – 12 noon.

Special Events:

  1. First Sundays Youth Vigil:
    • A vibrant youth-focused vigil.
    • Time: 10 pm – 4 am.

How to Participate:

Join us in these transformative programs to experience the power of faith, connect with the community, and contribute to the kingdom of God. Check the calendar for upcoming events and mark your attendance.